My Books

Soul Shine

Excavate Your Light and Claim Your Soul’s Purpose

I am honored to be a contributor to this magical book.

Soul Shine is a collaborative book with 26 amazing authors, including myself.

A collection of personal stories of women who lost their unique expression, came to reclaim that light again and chose to shine it bright.

Every story unfolds a piece of magic and deep compassion. This beautiful book offers a window to the human journeys we all undertake.

I have shared my story of turning around the inadequacy often perceived around body image as a catalyst to actually embracing the imperfect perfection lying deep within.

I also share how this journey of unwinding and healing was not just for me but became a path to extend my support to other women who were struggling with similar limiting beliefs.

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Do You Recall When You First Dulled Your Shine?

As women, especially, we have all dulled our shine for the comfort of others. Recognizing the pivotal moments allow for healing, growth, and renewal of our Soul Shine!

Throughout this book, you will journey through the struggles, self-doubt, and pain that 26 women have overcome.

With each chapter, you will witness 26 transformations of soul and life. In the midst of desire to slough off the “shoulds” of our world, these women grow, inspire, and reclaim the shine that was always inside them.

 Allow their words and experiences to inspire you to reclaim your purpose and shine that is the infinite, the flawless you.

The lead author Carrie Myers, along with 25 other amazing, vulnerable, and powerful women, she exposes her heart and strives to create a consciousness around the tragedy of women not claiming and fully living in their soul’s purpose.

It’s time to keep the light ON🌟

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We Are ALL Healers!

Ordinary People with Extraordinary Intention Will Heal The World

I am so grateful to be a co-author in this International Best-seller book.

We Are ALL Healers! is a collaborative book with 20 inspiring authors, including myself.

This book has the potential to change humanity, the stories to inspire each one of us to become a healing presence to ourselves, our families, our communities and ultimately to our Planet Earth.

Uniting us in love for each other and our planet!

I have shared my story of navigating a challenging fertility journey that became bigger than giving birth to a child.

It became a journey of Self-discovery that inspired me to transform difficult times into my own healing as well as embrace my intuitive gifts.

This journey also opened me to connect with the spirit baby realm, that not only helped me deepen my trust but also to be in service to others who were experiencing fertility struggles.

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Do you recognize that You are a Healing presence in this world?

No matter the profession you are in, with the right intention, we All have the potential to be a healing presence in the world.

The Truth is we are ALL ordinary people capable of having an extraordinary impact!

The world needs more of us to show up with intention to foster healing. We can show up as love and meet others with compassion and empathy.

Designed like a road map and filled with stories, lessons, insights, and tools, the lead author Sue Dumais and the guest authors will empower and inspire you.

Also, 100% of the royalties from book sales go towards International humanitarian projects under the Heart Led Living Foundation.

We are at the pinnacle of a Global Healing movement,

we are All in this TOGETHER🌎✨

Are you ready to say YES?

To playing your part and Be-ing the healing presence you already are🌟

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If you would like a signed copy mailed to you, please click here to contact me.