Connecting with Spirit Babies

Spirit baby work is more than just pre-birth communication.

It can be a deeper journey to create a soul-to-soul bridge between the baby-to-be and the parent/s much before the conception of the child. This provides an opportunity for exploring a conscious conception route as well as shifting old limiting beliefs and creating new pathways.

The communication opens up new avenues to explore in living a life that feels aligned and with more ease to welcome the child. The conception journey at times can be long, and arduous putting a strain on confidence and at times even on relationships.

Having a personal connection to the soul that’s meant to be part of the family can provide a sense of reassurance and also a more curious way of walking this path together.

I am honored to have had an opportunity to speak about my experiences with the baby souls that have been connecting with me over the past few years and how this has impacted my healing in ways that I could have never imagined.

Learn how to create this connection with your spirit babies or with loved ones who have passed to the other side with a beautiful, guided meditation here in this episode of The Healing Experiment Podcast with Spiritual medium and Global Impact Visionary Leader Sue Dumais.