Birds as Totems: Unveiling Their Symbolism and Guidance

Birds as totems – the powerful messengers that await our awareness and interpretation!

We often perceive nature as separate from the human world, the trees, plants, animals as not exactly part of our human community!

But the truth is everything IS nature, including us humans – we are all interconnected, what affects one affects the other.

The inspiration to write this post came from my recent reading of the book – The healing wisdom of Birds – By Lesley Morrison whilst sat in my patio on an early Saturday morning! 🐦

The natural world around us is in itself a treasure trove of signs and synchronicities and offers a glimpse into the deeper interconnectedness of life.

In cultures around the world, birds have long been revered for their beauty, grace, and mysterious connection to the spiritual realm.

Beyond their physical presence, many believe that birds can serve as powerful totems, offering guidance, wisdom, and spiritual messages.

The birds in my garden were beginning to show up as I was reading the book, so I thought it would be interesting to understand what unique message each one carried.


There you go…Here are some of the birds that showed up at the time and what are they symbols of.


💫The first ones were a pair of hummingbirds fighting while one of them was fiercely guarding the territory of the feeder!

Hummingbird medicine – They are messengers, waking up our sense of joy and unbounded wonder at the world. Hummingbird wisdom personifies following your bliss. To the indigenous Andean peoples, hummingbird is symbolic of the Upper World, the realm of refined creative energy.

💫The next to catch my sight was a gentle Robin hopping across the lawn!

Robin Medicine: The robin teaches the ability to accept new life. This may involve an act of letting go of the old life which may be difficult for many. Robin’s wisdom speaks about the need to cast aside things for new growth to occur and embrace the light of a new day with joy and peace in your heart.

💫Next, a bluebird swooped in to catch an early morning worm!

I must admit I have an unfair bias towards the bluebird!

This songbird has been my totem for a very long time and has offered me solace on numerous occasions just by its sighting.

Bluebird medicine: This little bird reminds us not to get so wrapped up in everyday living that we forget to take time for our own pleasure and well-being.

It is a symbol of cheerfulness, joy, the hearth, home and new births.

Bluebird medicine teaches us how to walk-in peace, free of the concerns of the ego.

And what came next wasn’t quite what I expected! I looked up from my book to suddenly sense a very quiet garden, the birds seem to have just vanished.

💫I spotted a hawk perched upon the fence waiting in the hope of snapping up a songbird that visited the feeder. Unfortunately, a tiny bird became its prey.

This was the first time I watched a hawk in action.

Hawk Medicine: Hawk is considered a visionary in many cultural traditions; part of its visionary power is to help the world in some creative way. It teaches us how to use our broad vision to find solutions to the world’s problems.

Hawk medicine teaches us that Knowing when to leap is as important as having the skills and courage to do so.

It teaches us how to release inhibitions when taking bold action in life, taking chances and leaping forward to embrace our future when the timing is right.

Next time you encounter a bird gracefully soaring through the sky or singing its melodious tune, take a moment to pause, reflect, and consider the potential significance it holds as a totem in your life.

While it’s important to remember that interpretations of bird totems can vary between cultures and personal beliefs, Trust your own intuition and understanding when deciphering the messages they bring 🙂

So which one did you resonate with? Do you have a bird/animal that is highly symbolic for you?